Base Technologies

Technology Version
DJANGO 4.1.7
pip 23.0.1
PostgreSQL 14.x
Main Packages
Packages Role
djangorestframework API Web Server
JWT API Encryption

API Requirements

  • Python3 version 3.10 and above Installed
  • PostgreSQL Installed

Getting started.

  • Clone the repo from Gitlab.
  • Create Postgres Database.
  • Import Init Db run pg_restore -U postgres -d saving_app saving_app.dump from the root directory
  • Update the necessary environment variables in the file.
  • create a virtual env for the project dependencies
  • Install dependecies with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • To run the app run python runserver.
  • Set nginx or apache to serve static files for production
  • The your app will be runing on port 8000