
Game ideas(mostly copied from internet)


Planet crusher

you are a planet in the middle of the screen. Other planets are randomly coming from each direction. You have to draw circles around them to let them explode before they collide with your planet.

Drawing lines costs energy. Your energy refills over time and when destroying planets. The more planets you destroy in one circle, the more points you get for each of them.

Gamemode A: endless mode, planets fly faster over time, see how far you can get/how many points

Gamemode B: Waves/Levels where you can buy upgrades inbetween

Upgrades: max energy, refill rate, bigger line, longer slowmotio, slower planets, an energy shield for your planet that can take 1 extra hit.

Optional features:

-slow motion while holding spacebar/tapping with second finger. Refills only if you destroy multiple planets at once

-Upgrades can randomly appear on screen

-special planets can randomly appear that increase the points of all planets that are destroyed together with it

