👋 Hello, I’m Devender Pal.

💫 About Me:

👀 I’m a Full Stack Web Developer
🔭 and currently working on a full stack multi feature realtime chat application
🌱 and improving the development skills by building awesome projects
🧠 and trying to contribute to open source daily
🤝 I’m looking to collaborate with any organisation.

🌐 Socials:

Twitter Linkedin Leetcode

💻 Tech Stack:

C CSS3 HTML5 Java JavaScript Markdown PHP Python TypeScript Windows Terminal AWS Azure DigitalOcean Firebase GithubPages Google Cloud Heroku Netlify Vercel Bootstrap Chart.js DaisyUI Django DjangoREST Express.js FastAPI Flask JWT MUI NPM Next JS NodeJS Nodemon OpenCV Pug React React Query React Router React Hook Form SASS Socket.io Strapi Styled Components TailwindCSS Three js Vite WordPress Yarn Nginx Apache Firebase MongoDB MySQL PlanetScale Postgres SQLite Figma Pandas NumPy Docker

📊 GitHub Stats:

🏆 GitHub Trophies

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