This program is made with React.js and Django. Although, the react code is not here, it is in compiled form present in build folder. The django code is all here. You can check and try this project.
- Extract the files.
- You will see two folders, one is api and another is venv.
- Just open the terminal in the same folder and run command " source venv/Scripts/activate"
- This will activate the virtual enviroment.
- If this not works then grab that requirements.txt file in your current folder.
- run the command " pip install -r requirements.txt "
- This will install all the required packages.
- Go to the folder api, there just run the command "python3 makemigrations"
- Then run command "python3 migrate"
- Then run "python3 runserver"
- Now, open your browser and go to ""
- You will see the project running.