
Updates on SDK status and feature discussion


Updates on SDK status and feature discussion

Overall Casper Client SDKs Update

Status date: 04-Jun-2024

SDK Latest Updates Current Casper-Node
Protocol Alignment
Upcoming Casper-Node
Protocol Alignment
Condor Release Status Planned Devnet Release Date Planned Testnet Release Date
JavaScript JavaScript SDK Condor updates are in progress.
Internal testing will commence after the updates.
Documentation and list of changes by the end of the week.
1.5.6 Condor Testing 07-Jun-24
Go Updates in progress, testing ongoing.
Aim for backward compatibility with Casper 1.5.6. Internal discussion on approach concluded.
1.5.6 Condor Testing TBC
C# Updates in progress, testing ongoing.
Aim for backward compatibility with Casper 1.5.6. Internal discussion on approach concluded.
1.5.6 Condor Testing TBC
Rust Updates pending technical discussions with CTO (Medha Parlikar).
Status to be updated once a consensus is reached.
1.5.6 Condor TBC TBC
Python Updates will start soon 1.5.6 Condor Development TBC
PHP Not currently on the plan; needs to be added and discussed in future meetings. 1.5.6 Condor TBC TBC
C++ Not currently on the plan; needs to be added and discussed in future meetings. 1.5.6 Condor TBC TBC

Condor Release & Testing Updates

  • Testing RC2 on DevNet; broader audience access expected next week.
  • Internal SRE testing ongoing on the latest Condor feature branch.
  • Indicative release date for RC2: Week commencing 10th June 2024.


Dockerized NCTL image for Condor 2.0

  • MAKE Services (David) shared a script for building a local NCTL image for Casper 2.0.
  • Dokerized NCTL with Condor changes is available for teams to test their changes locally.
  • Useful for teams to test locally, reducing load on DevNet.

Actions/Next Steps

  • Schedule a session with JS SDK Maintainer(Jan Hoffman) for a detailed overview and Q&A once JavaScript SDK updates are completed. - Devendran M
  • Gather information on teams using various SDKs. - Stormeye
  • Prepare a detailed diff between current and RC versions for documentation.- Jan Hoffman