
A custom vanilla RenderDragon shader for Minecraft Bedrock

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Newb X Legacy

Newb X Legacy is a RenderDragon successor to the legacy GLSL shader, Newb Shader. It is an enhanced vanilla shader that focuses on being lightweight and having soft aesthetics. It supports Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 (Windows/Android/*iOS).


This is an experimental repository, breaking changes are made often.



Nightly builds for Android (ESSL) and Windows (DX) can be found at the Discord server.



Shaders are not officially supported on Minecraft Bedrock. The following are unofficial ways to load shaders.

Linux: mcpelauncher-manifest

  1. Extract material.bin files from shader mcpack / build materials manually
  2. Move these files to data root mcpelauncher/versions/1.20.x/assets/renderer/materials/. (Make sure to backup all files in this folder first)
  3. Import the resource pack and activate it in global resources.


  1. Use BetterRenderDragon to enable MaterialBinLoader.
  2. Import the resource pack and activate it in global resources.


  1. Install Patched Minecraft App
  2. Import the resource pack and activate it in global resources.



  1. Setup build environment: .\setup.bat
  2. Compile material src files: .\build.bat


  1. Setup build environment: ./setup.sh
  2. Compile material src files: ./build.sh

Available parameters for the build script:

Option Parameter description
-p Target platforms (Android, Windows, iOS, Merged)
-m Materials to compile (if unspecified, builds all material files)
-t Number of threads to use for compilation (default is CPU core count)

For example, to build only terrain for Android and Windows, use:

.\build.bat -p Windows Android -m RenderChunk

Compiled material.bin files will be inside build/<platform>/


To build the final pack, including all subpacks, use pack.sh. If you are on Windows, use a bash shell like Git Bash to run this script file. (Make sure to use the -w tag when you are running the script from a Windows machine) 


./pack.sh -v 15.0


./pack.sh -w -v 15.0 -p Windows
./pack.sh -w -v 15.0 -p Android

The final pack files will be inside build/<platform>/temp/


Clangd can be used to get code completion and error checks for source files inside include/newb. Fake bgfx header and clangd config are provided for the same.

  • Neovim (NvChad): Install clangd LSP from Mason.
  • VSCode: Install vscode-clangd extension.