
A Jenkins API client for Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A Java client for the Jenkins API

Getting Started

To get started add the following dependency to your project



The com.offbytwo.jenkins.JenkinsServer class provides the main entry point into the API. You can create a reference to the Jenkins server given its location and (optionally) a username and password/token.

JenkinsServer jenkins = new JenkinsServer(new URI("http://localhost:8080/jenkins"), "admin", "password")

At the top level you can access all of the currently defined jobs. This returns a map of job names (in lower case) to jobs.

Map<String, Job> jobs = jenkins.getJobs()

The Job class provides only summary information (name and url). You can retrieve details as follows

JobWithDetails job = jobs.get("My Job").details()

The JobWithDetails class provides you with access to the list of builds (and related information such as the first, last, successful, etc) and upstream and downstream projects.

Running Integration Tests

Integration tests require a running jenkins instance populated with some data.

To set up passing integration tests:

  1. start local instance of jenkins with no security on port 8080
  2. IMPORTANT: install the "Git Plugin" on this instance
  3. Create a build named "trunk"
  4. trigger at least 5 builds, the most recent of which should succeed
  5. create a build named "pr"
  6. make that build paramaterized
  7. Add a parameter called REVISION whose default value is "foobar"
  8. Trigger at least one successful build using that parameter
  9. Now run JenkinsServerIntegration.java tests


Copyright (C) 2013, Rising Oak LLC.

Distributed under the MIT license: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT