
A command line utility to encode files using huffman coding + storage of the tree in the header.

Primary LanguageRust


Simple command line programm to compress files using optimal huffman codes.

Generates the optimal huffman tree for a given file, compresses the file using that, and stores the tree in the resulting compressed file.


  1. You need cargo. If you don't have it installed already you can do so by following the steps from The Cargo Book
  2. Run cargo install --git https://github.com/devensiv/huffman-coding to build the crate in a temporary target directory before installing the binaries in your cargo installation's bin folder. For more information check out the cargo install Book entry
  3. Alternatively to 2. you can clone the repository move into huffman-coding/ in order to run cargo install --path .. This has the same effect as 2. but you are not building in a temporary target directory


You can update your installation by re running the cargo install command. (or pulling changes before if you went with 3.)


Encode file: huffman <original-file> Decode file: huffman <compressed-file> -d


In case you want to uninstall the huffman-coding you can

  1. Run cargo uninstall huffman to remove the program
  2. In case you installed cargo (with rustup) just for this program and want to uninstall it too you can do so by running rustup self uninstall which will uninstall rustup and all its components.