
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fuzzy Click


Given a click root command FuzzyClick(root).choose(ctx) will generate all the permutation of commands and possible parameters, and show fzf search to choose one (or multiple) commands.

If a command permutation that was chosen has a string parameter - a text input will be shown.


import click
from devenv.fuzzy_click import FuzzyClick

@click.group("cmd", help="root cmd help")
def cmd():

@cmd.command("command", help="command help")
@click.option("-c", type=click.Choice(["foo", "bar"]))
@click.option("-s", type=str, default="default")
def choice():

FuzzyClick(cmd).choose(click.Context(cmd, resilient_parsing=True))

will show fzf and return a list of commands that you can command.invoke(command.make_context(command.name, parent=ctx, args=[])).

fzf options


  • Only boolean, choice, and strings are supported.
  • Only basic functionality is supported (works for me), no fancy click stuff.