
This is a simple API made with SpringBoot with deploy on heroku.

Primary LanguageJava

Marketplace API - Java 18

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This is a simple API made with SpringBoot with deploy on heroku.

About project

This API came as part of professor Nélio Alves' JAVA course. Where I went further and created unit tests and restructured some endpoints.

Feature list

Marketplace returns the following status codes in its API:

Functionality Verb Description Authentication
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/user GET Lists all users. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/user/{id} GET Lists a user. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/order/ GET Lists all orders. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/order/{id} GET List an order. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/categories GET Lists all categories. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/categories/{id} GET Lists a category. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/product/ GET Lists all products. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/product/{id} GET Lists a product. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/user/{id} DELETE Removes a user. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/user/{id} POST Adds a user. FALSE
https://api-marketplace-course.herokuapp.com/user/{id} PUT Updates a user. FALSE

Adjustments and improvements

The project is concluded but there are some points of improvement:

  • Migrate the database structure to postgresql
  • Add unit tests to routes and their dependencies
  • Deploy on HEROKU.

💻 Prerequisites

Before you begin, make sure that you have met the following requirements:

📫 Contribute to the project

Follow this steps to contribute to the project:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b feat: <nome_branch>.
  3. Make your changes and confirm them: git commit -m 'feat: <commit>'.
  4. Send to the original branch: git push deverebor/fastapi-blog-api
  5. Create the pull request.

Alternatively, see the GitHub documentation at https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-requests).

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