
A serialization library for C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A serialization library for C.

The goals for this project were two: use zero calls to malloc and make all memory access sequential for cache-friendly behaviour.

Malloc: Sucess! There are no calls to malloc.

Sequential-Access: Partial :( JSON writes and X.690 reads are perfectly sequential. The others all jump around a bit.


Make your struct as normal:

typedef struct {
  int number_of_fish_in_pond;
  float average_fish_weight;
} fish_pond;

Then make cereal! ... Then make_cerial!

  make_cerial(fish_pond, cerial_option_no_root,
    cerial_access(fish_pond, number_of_fish_in_pond, cerial_int),
    cerial_access(fish_pond, average_fish_weight, cerial_float)

This will create a new cerial instance called fish_pond_cerial that holds all the information needed to serialize your struct.

JSON Usage Example

  fish_pond lake_pleasant = {0};
  char *input = "{\"number_of_fish_in_pond\": 42, \"average_fish_weight\": -4.200000}";
  size_t bytes_read = cerial_json_read(&fish_pond_cerial, &lake_pleasant, input, strlen(input));
  assert(bytes_read == strlen(input));
  assert(lake_pleasant.number_of_fish_in_pond == 42);
  assert(lake_pleasant.average_fish_weight > -4.3 && lake_pleasant.average_fish_weight < -4.1);

  char output[1024];
  size_t bytes_written = cerial_json_write(&fish_pond_cerial, &lake_pleasant, output, sizeof(output));
  assert(bytes_written == bytes_read);
  assert(memcmp(output, input, bytes_written) == 0);

XML Usage Example

  fish_pond lake_pleasant = {0};
  char *input = "<number_of_fish_in_pond>42</number_of_fish_in_pond><average_fish_weight>-4.200000</average_fish_weight>";
  size_t bytes_read = cerial_xml_read(&fish_pond_cerial, &lake_pleasant, input, strlen(input));
  assert(bytes_read == strlen(input));
  assert(lake_pleasant.number_of_fish_in_pond == 42);
  assert(lake_pleasant.average_fish_weight > -4.3 && lake_pleasant.average_fish_weight < -4.1);

  char output[1024];
  size_t bytes_written = cerial_xml_write(&fish_pond_cerial, &lake_pleasant, output, sizeof(output));
  assert(bytes_written == bytes_read);
  assert(memcmp(output, input, bytes_written) == 0);

X.690 Usage Example

  fish_pond lake_pleasant = {0};
  uint8_t input[] = {0x02, 0x01, 0x2A, 0x09, 0x06, 0xE0, 0xE6, 0x10, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xC0};
  size_t bytes_read = cerial_x690_read(&fish_pond_cerial, &lake_pleasant, input, sizeof(input));
  assert(bytes_read == sizeof(input));
  assert(lake_pleasant.number_of_fish_in_pond == 42);
  assert(lake_pleasant.average_fish_weight > -4.3 && lake_pleasant.average_fish_weight < -4.1);

  uint8_t output[1024];
  size_t bytes_written = cerial_x690_write(&fish_pond_cerial, &lake_pleasant, output, sizeof(output));
  assert(bytes_written == bytes_read);
  assert(memcmp(output, input, bytes_written) == 0);

More Examples

Look in the test files in the /test folder for even more usage examples!

JSON Support

This library has full, to-spec support for JSON.

XML Support

XML support isn't complete. It is capable of writing all the same data types as the JSON side but is not a complete to-spec XML reader. It should read your XML schema if you're using it as a dictionary.

XML Booleans

Booleans are true or false. Uppercase forms are not supported.

XML Arrays

Arrays have a single node with the member name and many value nodes with the array contents.


Values in tags

Values or other keys embedded in a tag (<colour value="red"/>) are not currently supported.

X.690 Support

X.690 support isn't complete. It's missing support for some string types, the bitstring type and non-universal (application-specific) tags.


Character strings (char[]) are always written out as VisibleString. They can be read in as UTF8String, IA5String or VisibleString. All other string types are not supported.

Floating Point

This library has full support for binary, base-16 floats. Decimal and non-base-16 floats are not supported.


On any error, a zero length is returned. Compile with DEBUG to print the error to STDOUT.


This project is meant to be included as source in your build but running make will build a linkable library as /objects/libcerial.a.

The source files in /src share no code and can be individually included in your project. For example, if you only need to read JSON and write X690, include only cerial_json_read.c and cerial_x690_write.c.


All source files in the /test folder are intended to build a standalone executable. If the files finishes running successfully, all the tests in it have passed. Use make test as a shortcut to build and run all tests.


Fork this repo, make your change, add any relevant tests then open a Pull Request. The tests can be run with make test or make valgrind if Valgrind is installed.


  • Raw Data (bitstring) type
  • X690/ASN1 custom tags
  • Serialize directly from/to a file/stream/socket
  • More-complete XML Support