
Here I will update with my journey of learning DevOps .

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DevOps-Learning-resources :

Here are the Free DevOps resources that will be helpful in your learning journey.



DevOps Prerequisite (freecodecamp) - https://youtu.be/Wvf0mBNGjXY

DevOps Introduction



CCNA part 1 - https://youtu.be/rv3QK2UquxM

Kunal Kushwaha networking video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPvYjXCsTg8&t=6675s

Programming language

Why Golang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pLqIIAqZD4&t=9s

Golang complete course (techworldwithnana) - https://youtu.be/yyUHQIec83I

Golang language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS4e4q9oBaU&t=15296s


Introduction to YAML - https://youtu.be/1uFVr15xDGg


Git cheatsheet - https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/atlassian-git-cheatsheet

What is Version Control? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc8sCSeMhi4

Types of Version Control System - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr62e_n6QuQ

Git and GitHub for Beginners - Crash Course (freeCodeCamp.org) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGOj5yH7evk&t=8s

Git Tutorial for Beginners (Programming with Mosh) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JJ101D3knE&t=52s

Git for Professionals Tutorial (freecodecamp) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uszj_k0DGsg

Git and GitHub crash course (freecodecamp) - https://youtu.be/RGOj5yH7evk

Complete Git and GitHub Tutorial (Kunal Kushwaha) - https://youtu.be/apGV9Kg7ics

Git for Professionals (freecodecamp) -https://youtu.be/Uszj_k0DGsg

Learn GitLab in 3 Hours | GitLab (LambdaTest) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aV5AxJrHDg


AWS cloud practitioner (freecodecamp) - https://youtu.be/SOTamWNgDKc


Docker (kunal) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17Bl31rlnRM&list=WL&index=128&t=61s

Docker playlist by Saloni - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5...

Docker ((freecodecamp) - https://youtu.be/9zUHg7xjIqQ

Docker (Techworldwithnana) - https://youtu.be/3c-iBn73dDE

Blog on gettng started building a docker image - https://stackify.com/docker-build-a-beginners-guide-to-building-docker-images/

Docker documentation for building an image - https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/

Docker Tutorial for Beginners (Programming with Mosh) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTFZFxd4hOI

Docker deep dive by Nigel - https://youtu.be/GwXLNAcHk-k

Dockerfile best practices - https://youtu.be/JofsaZ3H1qM

Docker security essentials - https://youtu.be/KINjI1tlo2w

Auditing Docker security - https://youtu.be/mQkVB6KMHCg

Docker in a visual way - https://aurelievache.gumroad.com/l/un...

Ivan container articles - https://iximiuz.com/en/categories/?ca...


Civo Academy - civo.com/academy

Kubernetes course (techworldwithnana) - https://youtu.be/X48VuDVv0do

Kube academy - https://kube.academy/

Introduction to Kubernetes (edx) - https://www.edx.org/course/introducti...

KCNA - https://youtu.be/iGkFHB1kFZ0

Hands on CKA/CKAD/CKS - https://youtu.be/jZOs8Oips7Q

Certs Magic show - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj...

CKS book - https://saiyampathak.gumroad.com/l/ck...


Jenkins complete course - https://youtu.be/FX322RVNGj4

Github actions (techworldwithnana) - https://youtu.be/R8_veQiYBjI

GitHub actions with cloud run - https://youtu.be/eooi60Mks_0

CI/CD week - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5...

Get Certified for GitOps with Argo - https://codefresh.learnworlds.com/

IAC (Infrastructure as Code) tools

Terrafrom in 2 hours (freecodecamp) - https://youtu.be/SLB_c_ayRMo

Hashicorp terraform accociate certification (freecodecamp) - https://youtu.be/V4waklkBC38

Crossplane CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/NLHmqVUvtkU

Crossplane deep dive - https://youtu.be/5lWUWat_bbY

Crossplane composition deepdive - https://youtu.be/78xR7ypzB4Q

Learn pulumi - https://youtu.be/vIjeiDcsR3Q


Getting started with Jaeger - https://youtu.be/aMZoUIG-mgY

Getting dirty with Monitoring and Autoscaling Features for Self Managed Kubernetes cluster - https://youtu.be/TqfIfUuuPdE

Intro to Kubernetes monitoring - https://youtu.be/B5UY-qeW96I

Prometheus CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/llwxJ0VdYWY

Thanos CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/Pr3MbsGHljI

Thanos deep dive - https://youtu.be/nYV_wU7_Xm0

Chaos engineering

Chaos mesh CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/HAU_cjW1bMw

Chaos mesh 2.0 - https://youtu.be/HmQ9cFwxF7g

Litmus CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/rDQ9XKbSJIc

Cloud native chaos paradigms - https://youtu.be/uBGPFfTu6TU

Policy engines

Kyverno CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/Bo8KhWhNY6g

Kyverno deep dive - https://youtu.be/QR-iBeh9Vy0

Kyverno courses - https://learn.nirmata.com/courses/

jsPolicy - https://youtu.be/AzPczzKW71A

Kubewarden - https://youtu.be/b14YkyrLFcs

OPA CNCFMinutes - https://youtu.be/49my68py3KY

OPA deep dive - https://youtu.be/J6tM9O-0LvI

Various policy engines for Kubernetes - https://youtu.be/gKQOq7904h8

Styra Academy - https://academy.styra.com/courses/opa...

Cloud Computing:


DevOps Interview Questions

DevOps Interview Questions and Answers | Intellipaat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG8I8kds8rI

DevOps projects:

DevOps Projects: Why Are They So Important? Studying devops is an essential skill to learn in order to make the software development lifecycle more efficient. You are recommended to make some good DevOps projects as DevOps engineers must be familiar with the below mentioned skills: Fundamentals of Linux and Scripting: Many firms prefer to host their apps on the Linux operating system, therefore DevOps engineers must be familiar with it. In addition, Linux is used to control the master nodes of configuration management systems like Chef, Ansible, and Puppet. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery: Continuous delivery (CD) is a computerized method in which every update is designed, tested, and released automatically. On the other hand, continuous integration (CI) is a procedure that requires all members of a team to utilise a single version control system and to integrate their work into the main branch on a frequent basis. Infrastructure as Code: With the rise of containerization and cloud computing technologies, the infrastructure required by developers can now be given by an automated script. The script is used to manage configurations and to run configuration management software. It also runs the necessary commands. As a result, the core application infrastructure or platform is available in a matter of seconds. Configuration Management: The process of keeping track of software and operating system configurations is known as configuration management. It can be used to manage the configurations of thousands of servers by utilising the management server to run a single command. Popular configuration management software tools include Ansible, Chef, and Puppet. Automation: In DevOps, automation is a key goal. It is the application of software to reduce human participation while enhancing efficiency. Gradle, Git, Jenkins, and Docker are all prominent automation platforms that DevOps engineers should be familiar with.

Project-1 : Automated WebDevelopment Environment

In this Project I have created an Automated Web Development Environment integrating Git/GitHub, Jenkins and Httpd WebServer in RHEL-8. In this Project the developer just need to Commit the code from his local repository, GitHub will automatically send the code to Jenkins using webhooks as soon as there will be any commit in GitHub repo, and Jenkins will then automatically launch the website into apache2 httpd server which is setup in RHEL-8.

Project-2 : Automated WebSite Deployement within Docker

In this Project I have created an Automated Website Deployment inside a docker container. In this project I have used the techologies like Git/GitHub, Jenkins, and Docker Container for making an automated website deployment.

Project-3 : Containerization Within Container

In this Project I have used the concepts of docker to make Automation Project lanching docker-within-docker so that the Project can be easily shipped from one system to another without any problem. Docker Concepts are very useful for such projects when you need to send your project with complete environment of the project.

Project-4 : CI/CD DevEnv/ProductionEnv Deployment

In this project I have created Continous Deployment using Git, Jenkins and Docker but it more focused in automation of Developer Environment and Production Envirnoment Deployment.

Project-5 : Java Application using Gradle

Gradle is a well-known build automation tool that works across a variety of platforms and languages. This project includes establishing a Java application and breaking it down into subprojects in order to modularize it. After completing this project, you will know how to initialize a project as Java application, run the build and build it’s test report. You will learn the way to execute a Java application and build it in an archive.

Project-6 :WebServer using Docker

Docker is a popular container technology for hosting services and applications that virtualizes operating systems and builds lightweight containers. You will create a default base image for this project that other developers can use in their production environments. This project offers the framework for web app images in Python, Ruby, and Meteor. On successful completion of this project, you will be able to reduce the size of the Dockerfile, shorten the time it takes to write a Dockerfile. Also, you will learn to correctly setup the base system and reduce the amount of time it takes to run docker build and the download time.

Project-7 :Jenkins Remoting Project

Jenkins Remoting is a library and archive for creating a communication layer. TCP protocols, data streaming, procedure calls, and other features are all included. In this project, you will have to improve Jenkins Remoting, a communication layer implementation library. Jenkins Remoting can be made compatible with a bus technology like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. You’ll need knowledge of networking fundamentals, Java, and message queues to execute the task.

Project-8 : CD Pipeline using AWS

You will develop a continuous delivery pipeline for a small web application in this project. To store your source code, you’ll first use a version control system. Then you’ll learn how to set up a continuous delivery pipeline that will deploy your web application automatically anytime your source code is updated. This project uses GitHub, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodePipeline.

Project-9 :Deploying a Containerized Web Application

This project demonstrates how to package a web application as a Docker container image and run it on a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. The web application is then deployed as a load-balanced collection of replicas that can scale to meet the demands of your users. This project will help you in learning of how to package a sample web application into a Docker image, uploading the Docker image to Artifact Registry, creating a GKE cluster and deploying it to the cluster, managing autoscaling for deployment, exposing the app to the internet and deploying a new version of it.

Project-10 :Building Version Control System

You can use a Version Control System to keep track of your code, inspect multiple versions of it, switch between them, maintain different versions of it, and share it with other programmers. You will start with the basics and save code in our version control system. You will have to take the long way to set up a repository in order to do so. From there, you will figure out how to navigate through history. Then you will figure out how to handle branching, which is deceptively difficult in and of itself. You’ll be ready for Git once you’ve finished branching.

Project-11 :Deploying Application Using Kubernetes

In this project, you are going to use a simple web service which parses user messages and adds your message to a Redis Server. It is similar to a voicemail where the users can leave messages. This project needs to run the application on Kubernetes, hence dockerizing is the primary step in this project. Hence, you will learn how to enable the application to run in docker containers.

Project-12 : Structuring a Terraform Project

In order to ensure its maintainability and extensibility in day-to-day operations, Terraform projects must be properly structured according to their use cases and perceived complexity. This project will teach you how to organize Terraform projects based on their general purpose and complexity. Then, using the more popular Terraform features such as variables, localities, data sources, and provisioners, you’ll design a project with a simple structure. In the end, your project will use DigitalOcean to deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 server (Droplet), install an Apache web server, and point your domain to it.

Project-13 :Building and Executing Selenium Project

Test automation requires the creation and execution of Selenium projects. It facilitates the execution of tests, the analysis of reports, and the reporting of bugs. Needless to say, this aids in the faster delivery of high-quality products to clients, making them happier. You will be able to demonstrate how to develop a Selenium project employing both a “Java Project” and a “Maven Project” after completing this project.

Certification: CCNA https://www.koenig-solutions.com/ccna-cisco-certified-network-associate-training-course?keyword=best%20ccna%20certification&device=c&utm_device=c&msclkid=f4f6f5572ac4111b720396739d60720b&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Rest%20of%20India&utm_term=best%20ccna%20certification&utm_content=CCNA%20-%20India#schedulec

CKA: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka/