Multithreaded Sorting Application

Multithreaded Sorting Application (Operating System Concepts, Chapter 4, Project 2)


Objective is to write a multithreaded sorting program that works as follows: A list of integers is divided into two smaller lists. Two separate threads (sorting threads) sort each sublist using a sorting algorithm of your choice. The two sublists are then merged by a third thread — a merging thread — which merges the two sublists into a single sorted list.


  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Compiler: GCC 11.3.0

Basic Ideas

The idea is simple: first divide the list into two sublists, each of which is then sorted by an individual thread using quicksort. Then in the main thread, merge the two sorting threads.



In this program, we have a runner() function, which will do the actual sorting in a single thread. So firstly, we pass the parameters from the main thread to the new threads:

typedef struct {
    size_t low;
    size_t high;
} parameters;

int main(){
    // ...
	parameters data[2];
    data[0].low = 0, data[0].high = array_size / 2;
    data[1].low = array_size / 2, data[1].high = array_size;
    /* create two threads to sort the two halves of the array */
    for(size_t i = 0; i != 2; ++i) {
        pthread_create(&tid[i], &attr, runner, &data[i]);
    // ...

Then in the runner() function, it calls the qsort() function to sort the sublist:

int cmp(const void  *a, const void *b) {
    return *((int *)a) - *((int *)b);

/* The thread will do the sorting */
void *runner(void *param) {
    size_t low, high;
    low = ((parameters *)param)->low;
    high = ((parameters *)param)->high;
    qsort(array + low, high - low, sizeof(int), cmp);


After two sublists are sorted, we need to merge sublists to get the final sorted list:

void merge_array(int *result) {
    size_t low1 = 0, high1 = array_size / 2;
    size_t low2 = array_size / 2, high2 = array_size;
    size_t i = 0;
    while(low1 < high1 && low2 < high2) {
        if(array[low1] < array[low2]) {
            result[i++] = array[low1++];
        } else {
            result[i++] = array[low2++];
    if(low2 < high2) {
        low1 = low2, high1 = high2;
    while(low1 < high1) {
        result[i++] = array[low1++];

int main(){
    // ...
    for(size_t i = 0; i != 2; ++i) {
        pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);
    int *sorted_array = malloc(sizeof(int) * array_size);


Here's a demo of this program's functionality:

Please enter the number of elements:8
22 3 48 -5 90 -11 398 -67
Original array:
22 3 48 -5 90 -11 398 -67
Thread 0:
-5 3 22 48
Thread 1:
-67 -11 90 348
After merging:
-67 -11 -5 3 22 48 90 348

And the screenshot of the same:
