React Review Exercises


This is a repository to save a series of exercises done for practice and review react coding.

What are the exercises:

  • ex01: Simple sum of array and show object where the sum is higher than 10000.
  • ex02: Filter and show objects with styling and color.
  • ex03: Component separation exercise with NavBar and Content.
  • ex04: Simple useState and fetch to show Covid Cases.
  • ex05: Similar to ex04 but adding useEffect and LocalStorage.
  • ex06: Add item pop up and pop out after 2s using useRef.
  • ex07: List all covid cases per country using useContext to pass information to all components.
  • ex08: Fetch and Local Storage as a Custom Hooks for listing all countries and saving data locally.
  • ex09: Single field form to test reactivity.
  • ex10: Multi Input field form with react (Name & E-mail).
  • ex11: Multi Input field form while using fetch to POST in an API, reduce and map.
  • ex12: TextArea, Select and Radio Button fields on forms.