
The script interacts with the GitHub API to fetch the file and directory structure of a given repository. It then processes this structure and creates an HTML representation with icons for different file types. Print Github Repository File and Folder Tree Structure.

Primary LanguagePython


🖨️ Print GitHub Repository Structure Tree 🌲

This script fetches the structure of a GitHub repository and generates an HTML visualization with icons for different file types.

Alternative Names

  • Github Repository File System to HTML Tree Generator
  • GitHub Repository File and Folder Structure Tree Generator
  • Print GitHub Repository to Text
  • Print GitHub Repository to PDF
  • GitHub Repository File and Directory
  • Visual GitHub Tree Structure Generator
  • Interactive GitHub Repository Directory Mapper
  • GitHub Repo Content Tree Visualization Tool
  • GitHub Repository Structure Explorer
  • Comprehensive GitHub Directory and File Tree Maker
  • GitHub Project File Hierarchy Display Tool
  • Dynamic GitHub Repo Structure Diagram Generator
  • GitHub Directory Layout Visualization Software


  • Example of a GitHub Repository Structure Tree Printed to HTML GitHub File Structure Tree

Table of Contents

📌 About

The script interacts with the GitHub API to fetch the file and directory structure of a given repository. It then processes this structure and creates an HTML representation with icons for different file types.

🌟 Features

  • Fetch repository structure from GitHub using the API.
  • Display directories and files with appropriate icons.
  • Generate an HTML file for visualization.

⚙️ Initial Setup

API GitHub configuration information is loaded from a .env file. You need to set up the following variables:

  • REPO

🚨 Attention: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access the repository and never commit your .env file containing sensitive access tokens.

🚀 How to Use

  1. Configure your .env file with the necessary parameters.
  2. Run the script. (usually "python main.py" in you project directory)
  3. Open the generated repo_structure.html file in a browser to visualize the repository structure.
  4. You can print with the default browser print option, or copy paste in a word processor, divide into multiple columns and so on.

🔧 Requirements

  • Python 3.x
  • Libraries: requests, os, dotenv
  • A valid GitHub access token with necessary permissions.

🔑 API GitHub Access Token

  • Creating your Token
  • In your github click on your profile icon in the top right corner and go to Settings.
  • In the left sidebar, click on Developer settings.
  • Click on Personal access tokens.
  • Click Generate new token.
  • Give your token a name and select the necessary scopes. For reading repository content, the repo scope should be enough.
  • Click Generate token.
  • Copy the token and store it safely.

🚨 Attention: You won't be able to see it again.

📂 Directory Structure

  • main.py: Contains the main logic for fetching and generating the HTML visualization.

🙌 Contribution

Feel free to fork the project, open issues, and provide pull requests.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License or your preferred license.