Project to Collect Entries for the Corn Silage Trials.

University of Florida.

Institute of Food & Animal Science.

Forage Team.

Fixes Needed:

  • Fix the Remove All Itens With the Same Name (UUID).

  • Dont Allow Adding Without Selecting Fields.

  • Add Functionality for Type Selection on Radio Button.

  • Add Functionality for Seasons Selection on Selection Boxs.

  • Add the “multi cut” option if the type is “Sudan” or “Millet”.

  • Add the Type, Seasons, and Multi-Cut options in the list below.

  • Message Saying an Entry (or 2) have been added to the List Succefully

  • Add Company Name in the LocalStorage.

  • Add the List of itens in the LocalStorage.

  • Disable "Send Form" Button while no item in the list and Change Text.

  • Confirmation Page to send all the trials.

  • Add the send e-mail functionallity.

  • Add the Database.

  • Create the Database View.

  • Clear LocalStorageEntries ("uf-forage-trials-entries-list") when the user sends the list. localStorage.setItem("uf-forage-trials-entries-list", []);

  • Improve the css of the Item List.

  • Add Prices to Individual Entries and Show the Total to be Paid.

  • Add Forage-Sorghum

  • Add other information Talk to Lindsey About the other information Yes/No/Uncertain. (On corn we want to know maturity, stay green genes, forage or grain or dual purpose, tropical genetics, and other important traits that are common accorss the industry (BT, RR, etc.) On sorghum, maturity, BRM, aphid tolerance, brachytic dwarf, photoperiod sensitive, …)

Tutorials that Helped: - Todo List in ReactJS using TypeScript Tutorial - React Notification Component. - Adding Local Storage. - Deploy Node, Express, Knex server to Heroku - PG BD. - How to Deploy React App to GitHub Pages. - Display Loading while Data is not Fetched. - How to catch API errors. - Create a modal with React (Pop-up)