
Configures the machine to mirror various files.

Primary LanguageRuby


This cookbook configures the machine to mirror various sources of static files: documentation, websites, RFCs, and other such relatively simple things.



  • Ubuntu 13.04 (that's all we support at /dev/fort for now, so that's all I've tested.)


Cookbook attributes are named under the file_mirror namespace.

  • node['file_mirror']['user'] - user to host mirrors as, defaults to fort
  • node['file_mirror']['data_dir'] - directory to store the files in, defaults to '/data/files'
  • node['file_mirror']['apache']['listen_hostname'] - Hostname to listen on for Apache virtualhost, defaults to files.fort
  • node['file_mirror']['apache']['listen_port'] - Port to listen on for files Apache virtualhost, defaults to '80'
  • node['file_mirror']['command'] - Hash of commands to use when mirroring, and templates for their execution. Defaults are rsync and wget
  • node['file_mirror']['files'] - Hash of files to mirror. Keyed on friendly name for the subject, each with a hash containing of aliases and URLs for files to mirror.


The main entrypoint for this cookbook is the default recipe.


Include files-mirror and it will start replicating the files specified by the attributes in node.file_mirror.files using the methods specified. This will take a very long time (probably the best part of a day), and require tens of gigabytes of storage. You have been warned.

You can keep an eye on the mirroring progress by running tail -f /var/log/upstart/files-mirror.log.