
Material Colors Sass Variables

Primary LanguageCSS

Material Colors Sass Variables

Just include _material-colors.sass into your file and you are ready to go.

All colors are available as sass variables. For example, Red 500 is $red-500 and Light Green A400 is $light-green-A400. But I didn't include black and white variables. For those I prefer using just color keywords.

I didn't copied and pasted those colors manually. I used some javascript code in page's console to parse colors and just output them. I would like to avoid explaining it.

Link to material colors:


Below is the code for that link

(Sorry, if you see it as a mess... I used that code mostly as an ES6 spread array thing)

var groups = document.querySelectorAll('.color-group');

var colors = [].map.call(groups, (group) => {
  return group.querySelectorAll('.color');

colors = colors.map( el => { 
  return [].concat(...el) 

var maps = [].concat(...colors.map( arr => {
  let color = undefined;
  let obj = {};
  arr.forEach( el => {
    if (!!el.querySelector('.name'))
		color = el.querySelector('.name').textContent.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase();
  obj[color] = arr;
  return [obj];


maps = maps.map( el => {
  let key = Object.keys(el)[0];
  let arr = el[key];
  arr = arr.map( li => {
    return [
		': ', 
  return arr;

var output = [].concat(...maps).join('\n');
