
Geniem (WordPress) PHP_CodeSniffer Rules

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Geniem (WordPress) PHP_CodeSniffer Rules

A custom set of rules to check styles for a Geniem WP projects.

Extends WordPress, WordPress-Docs, WordPress-Extra, and others, but makes some convenience changes to the rules.

Adds to the mix some of our own rules:

  • Geniem.ControlStructures.ElseCatchNewline
    • Make else and catch blocks to start from new line

The Geniem standard contains over 250 rules. Check them out.


composer require --dev devgeniem/geniem-rules-codesniffer
cp vendor/devgeniem/geniem-rules-codesniffer/phpcs.xml.dist-project phpcs.xml.dist


Use vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml.dist web/app/ config/ to make sure you are using the phpcs command from this package.

You could add to your project composer.json file the following:

    "scripts": {
        "lint": "vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml.dist web/app/ config/ -s --warning-severity=0",
        "lint-all": "vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml.dist web/app/ config/",
        "lint-fix": "vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=phpcs.xml.dist --basepath=. ./web/app/ ./config/"

After that has been added to your composer.json file, you can run composer lint to check for all the errors and warnings.


This project contains few helpers to make the development experience easier and faster.

These commands are available in the composer.json file, and are used composer [command]. The composer part has been omitted for brevity.

Command Description
used-rules-list-update Updates USED_RULES.md
cl-bump Create new version in CHANGELOG.md
cl-change [message] Add an entry to Changed -section.
cl-add [message] Add an entry to Added -section.
cl-fix [message] Add an entry to Fixed -section.
cl-remove [message] Add an entry to Removed -section.
cl-ready Mark the version ready for release.
cl-version Show the current version.
changelog-tag-and-release [version] REQUIRES GPG Tag and release the version.

