
Send Orienteering Score Image

Primary LanguagePython

오리엔티어링 기록 이메일 발송(Send Orienteering Score image)

How to run

  1. cp .evn.example .env and fill the vaiables.
  2. python main.py

.env options

Fill the values in .env accordingly.

  1. Go https://htmlcsstoimage.com/ and get an API key and User ID. Then fill the values below.
  1. Download Gmail API Credential file and set the file path. Follow this guide(https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/python)
  1. Set the path of score csv file.
  • CSV format: Number,Class,Rank,Course,Name1,Name2,Club1,Club2,Country1,Country2,Age,Sex,Card Number,Card Memo,Activate/Check Time,Start Time,Finish Time,Result,Category,Class,Email