
Bash script for controlling btsync on Linux

Primary LanguageShell


BitTorrent Sync is a powerful cross-platform file sharing application. Think of it as a decentralized version of Dropbox with no charges (it's free), no limits, and no middle-man.

UPDATE: BitTorrent Sync is now Resilio Sync. The executable changed from btsync to rslsync. btsyncctl works with both.

btsyncctl is a simple bash script meant to automate the process of starting, stopping, and checking the status of the Resilio Sync application (rslsync) running on a Linux desktop or server. rslsync runs as a non-privileged user and any user with adequate sudo privileges can use btsyncctl to pass it basic controls like start, stop, and status.

Installing rslsync and btsyncctl

Add btsyncctl to your system

git clone https://github.com/devhen/btsyncctl.git
sudo cp btsyncctl/btsyncctl /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/btsyncctl

Create the user that btsync will run as

On RHEL / CentOS / Fedora:

sudo adduser rslsync

On Debian / Ubuntu:

sudo adduser rslsync --disabled-password

Download rslsync

Get rslsync for your system architecture (i386 or x64) from here: https://www.resilio.com/platforms/desktop/

Repositories for Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, CentOS, and Fedora can be found here: https://help.resilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206178924

Put the btsync binary somewhere it can be executed by your btsync user, such as ~/bin:

sudo su -l rslsync
mkdir ~/bin
cp /path/to/rslsync ~/bin/

Create a rslsync config file

sudo su -l rslsync
btsyncctl --dump-sample-config > /home/rslsync/rslsync.conf

Customize your config file as you see fit. Most settings can be left on their defaults but I recommend setting device_name (to your hostname, for example), and setting force_https to true.

Start rslsync

sudo btsyncctl start

Check rslsync status

sudo btsyncctl status

This shows whether rslsync is running and if so, the version number, architecture (32-bit or 64-bit), listening ports (if you have netstat installed), time since it was started, and how much memory its using.

Secure the WebUI port

The default WebUI port is 8888. If you are running rslsync on your local computer you should be able to access the WebUI right away by going to:


If you are running rslsync on a remote server you'll probably want to open the WebUI port for your IP address only.

On RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 / Fedora with firewalld:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="YOUR.IP.ADDR.HERE" port port="8888" protocol="tcp" accept' --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

On Debian / Ubuntu with ufw:

sudo ufw allow from YOUR.IP.ADDR.HERE to any port 8888 proto tcp

You should now be able to access the WebUI by going to:


The first time you access the WebUI it will prompt you to set the WebUI username and password.

Open the listening port

Without your listening port open to the public, the rslsync network may have to provide a "relay server" to peers that are unable to connect to your rslsync server. Using relay servers can slow down transfer speeds so for best performance you should open rslsync's listening port by setting listening_port in rslsync.conf to an available port and then opening that port in your firewall.

On RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 / Fedora with firewalld:

sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=12345/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=12345/udp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

On Debian / Ubuntu with ufw:

sudo ufw allow 12345

If you are behind a router you should enable UPnP in rslsync.conf by setting use_upnp to true. If UPnP is not enabled on your router you will need to manually forward the listening port to the IP of the machine running rslsync.

Stopping rslsync

sudo btsyncctl stop

Other commands

If the first argument passed to btsyncctl isn't start, stop, or status the arguments will be passed along to the rslsync binary. Therefore, you can pass arguments that rslsync supports, for example sudo btsyncctl --help and sudo btsyncctl --dump-sample-config.

Get read/write access to the synced files

To access, add, or make changes to the files synced by rslsync you'll want to make rslsync's home directory group-writable and sticky:

sudo chmod g+rwxs /home/rslsync

And then add yourself to the rslsync user's group. You'll need to logout and back in, or start a new shell, for this to take effect:

sudo usermod -a -G rslsync myusername

To change the default permissions rslsync uses for new files, set the umask by adding this line to the rslsync user's ~/.bashrc:

umask 0007