
Puppet managed sensu client

Primary LanguagePuppet

Experimental Sensu Client

This project contains a working prototype of Puppet Managed sensu clients where a client is configured almost exclusivly from hiera, with a simple minor change to a common default node.

The Sensu Server used during developement was the hiroakis/docker-sensu-server docker container which provided a very easy bootstrap of rabbitmq, sensu server, and the Uchima dashboard.

Adding A Check

Its very easy to add new Sensu checks to this virtual machine, simply add elements to a hash in the configuration yaml like so:

    command: '/opt/sensu-plugins/sensu-community-plugins-master/plugins/nginx/nginx-metrics.rb'
    handlers: 'default'
    subscribers: 'base'
    type: 'metric'
	    command: '/opt/sensu-plugins/sensu-community-plugins-master/plugins/system/check-load.rb'
	      - default
	      - critical
	    subscribers: 'base'

The configuration is loaded by the default.pp using a create_resources( 'sensu::check', $config) ) call

Adding handlers

Similar to the addition of checks, you can configure new handlers using the configuration section shown below:

Remember that Sensu Handlers run on the server after reciept of messages from clients

    command: 'tee -a /var/log/sensu-event.log'
    type: 'pipe'
    command: 'mailx -s "Crazy Fail" megafail@example.com'
    type: 'pipe'
        - critical

Configuration of Sensu Client

The following configuration shows how the client is configured to connect to a remote RabbitMQ server using both password authentication, and SSL key pairs for encryption/authentication. The same keypair is used on all servers, as per the recommendations

sensu::install_repo: true
sensu::purge_config: true
sensu::rabbitmq_password: password
sensu::rabbitmq_port: 5671
sensu::rabbitmq_vhost: '/sensu'
sensu::rabbitmq_ssl: true
sensu::rabbitmq_ssl_private_key: "puppet:///modules/secure/rabbitmq/key.pem"
sensu::rabbitmq_ssl_cert_chain:  "puppet:///modules/secure/rabbitmq/cert.pem"

# See https://github.com/sensu/sensu-puppet/issues/298
sensu::sensu_plugin_version: present