
Scripts to generate static inventory file or generate dynamic inventory for ansible from Device42 data

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Device42 is a Continuous Discovery software for your IT Infrastructure. It helps you automatically maintain an up-to-date inventory of your physical, virtual, and cloud servers and containers, network components, software/services/applications, and their inter-relationships and inter-dependencies.

This Ansible Collection contains the inventory and lookup plugins for Device42.

  1. Inventory (device42.d42.d42) - can be used to dynamically generate Ansible inventory from Device42 devices.
  2. Lookup (device42.d42.d42)- This lookup plugin allows a playbook to fetch passwords or ip addresses for hosts from Device42.
  3. Lookup (device42.d42.d42_prompt) - This lookup plugin allows a playbook to fetch passwords or ip addresses for hosts from Device42 with prompt.

In the contrib directory you will find the legacy inventory scripts. Please favor the plugin over the legacy scripts:

  1. contrib\inventory\d42_ansible_inventory_hostfile.py can be used to create a static inventory file for ansible. You can group hosts by tags, customers, building or service level from Device42 data.
  2. contrib\inventory\d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py can be used to dynamically by ansible to get hosts from Device42 based on certain filters.


  • ansible 2.9+
  • python 3.6.x+
  • Device42 16.12.00+
  • requests (you can install it with pip install requests or apt-get install python-requests)
  • Ansible must have an available connection to your Device42 instance in order to collect devices for inventory

Installation Methods


ansible-galaxy collection install device42.d42

Automation Hub

To consume content from hub as part of your automation workflows the content can also be accessed via CLI. For this an offline token is required which can be obtained via the web UI at automation hub, and needs to be added to the configuration file as follows:

server_list = automation_hub, galaxy



Once configured the collection can be installed by running the following command

$ ansible-galaxy collection install device42.d42

Ansible Tower:

  • Create a collections requirement file in the SCM
touch requirements.yml
  • add the following to your file and save it
- name: device42.d42
version: 1.1.2
source: https://galaxy.ansible.com/

* Install the Ansible collection by running command
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml -p <job tmp location>

Starting with Ansible Tower 3.6, the project folder will be copied for each job run. This allows playbooks to make local changes to the source tree for convenience, such as creating temporary files, without the possibility of interference with other jobs.

  • Set the following environmental variables (optional)
D42_USER = 'device42 user'
D42_PWD = 'device42 password'
D42_URL = 'https:// device42 server IP address'

For more information on installing collections please follow documentation here https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/collections_using.html

Inventory Plugin


Define an inventory file (*.d42.yml)

View documentation using ansible-doc -t inventory device42.d42.d42

Environmental variables not defined:

plugin: device42.d42.d42
username: admin
password: password
ssl_check: False
debug: False
clean_device_name: True
    - key: d42_service_level
      prefix: ''
      separator: ''

Environmental variables defined:

plugin: device42.d42.d42
    - key: d42_service_level
      prefix: ''
      separator: ''

See Ansible documentation for more constructed examples.

How to run

from the directory of your newly created file run the following command.

ansible-inventory -i *.d42.yml --graph

Lookup Plugin


If using environmental variables skip this step, if not create a d42.py or d42_prompt.py in ansible/lib/ansible/plugins/lookup/ with the following information

D42_USER = 'device42 user'
D42_PWD = 'device42 password'
D42_URL = 'https:// device42 server IP address'
D42_DEBUG = False

How to run

To get password call: lookup('d42', 'device_name', 'password', 'username')

device_name and username need to be filled in

To run any doql request: lookup('d42', 'SELECT ... FROM ...', 'doql', 'list')

doql query need to be filled in + we need to set data type of returned result ( 'string', 'list', 'list_dicts' )

  • string - return single string without column headers
  • list - return list of string ( we split DOQL result line by line without column headers )
  • list_dicts - return list of dicts with column headers

All above works the same for the prompt version, we just add 3 more arguments in the yaml file, please check reference in promt example.

The following was tested in a playbook using the included example template example_playbook.yaml playbooks can be run by using the following command

ansible-playbook *.yaml -f 10

Legacy Inventory Usage


  • ansible 2.9+

  • python 3.6.x+ or python 2.7.x

  • Device42 16.12.00+

  • requests (you can install it with pip install requests or apt-get install python-requests)

  • Ansible must have an available connection to your Device42 instance in order to collect devices for inventory

    • rename conf.sample.ini to conf.ini
    • in conf add D42 URL/credentials ( also instead of conf file, possible to use environment variables )
# ====== Device42 upload settings =========
D42_USER = admin
D42_PWD = adm!nd42
D42_URL =

# ====== Ansible settings =========
GROUP_BY_QUERY = select name, service_level from view_device_v1
GROUP_BY_FIELD = service_level

Navigate to the root folder of the script .../ansible_device42

Run the python -m contrib.inventory.d42_ansible_inventory_hostfile and enjoy!

Also you may use automatic version with Ansible commands ex.

ping :

ansible all -i d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py -m ping

copy ssh file :

ansible all -i d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py -m authorized_key -a "user=root key='ssh-rsa AAAA...XXX == root@hostname'"

modify file :

ansible all -i d42_ansible_dynamic_inventory.py -m lineinfile -a "dest=/etc/group regexp='^(users:x:100:)(.*)' line='\1ldapusername,\2' state=present backrefs=yes"

and much more! Please read Ansible docs.

If you have any questions - feel free to reach out to us at support at device42.com