
UI framework using https://www.iviewui.com, Out of the box use truffle-vue

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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USE Truffle-VUE Box

This box is a Vue based solidity Dapp development framework. 中文版文档

Getting Started



$ (sudo) npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc


$ (sudo) npm install -g truffle


$ truffle unbox huarxia/truffle-vue


$ https://github.com/huarxia/truffle-vue.git
$ cd truffle-vue


$ npm install

Fifth new shell window

$ testrpc

Sixth on current window

$ truffle compile
$ truffle migrate
$ npm run dev

develop shell


$ truffle compile


$ truffle migrate

use gulp

Global install gulp

$ (sudo) npm install gulp -g

If it is the first use of direct operation gulp

$ gulp

If it was used second times

$ gulp start

Which commands are included?

gulp // First compile migrate and run
gulp start // First run
gulp clean // delete build
gulp compile // Compile smart contract and delete build first
gulp migrate // Deploy smart contracts to localgulp reset // Redeploy smart contract to local and restart service
gulp migrate-deploy // Deploying smart contracts to ropsten using infura
gulp deploy // Deploying smart contracts to ropsten using infura and run dev

Thanks for these open source projects

  1. truffle
  2. Vue.js
  3. ganache-cli After testrpc is renamed
  4. gulp
  5. webpack
  6. infura.io
  7. solidity
  8. www.iviewui.com ......

by huaxia