
This is a Natural Language Processing model for SMS Spam Classification.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

SMS Spam Classifer

The aim of this model is to classify this incoming SMS as either "spam" or "ham" (legitimate message).

The following are the techniques that are used in the model:

1] Data Preprocessing:

  • Text Cleaning: Removing irrelevant symbols like punctuation, extra spaces, and emojis.
  • Normalization: Converting all text to lowercase for case-insensitive analysis.
  • Lemmatization: Reducing words to their base form (e.g., "winning" becomes "win"). This helps capture the meaning regardless of tense or conjugation.

2] Feature Engineering: This transforms the cleaned message text into numerical features that a machine learning model can understand. Here we used the following techniques:

  • Count Vectorizer (Bag of Words): This method creates a vocabulary of unique words encountered in the training data. Each message is then represented as a vector where each element indicates the frequency of a corresponding word in the message.
  • TF-IDF Vectorizer: It considers not just word frequency but also how common a word is across all messages. Words that are very frequent overall (e.g., "the", "a") get lower weightage, while words specific to spam messages get a higher TF-IDF score, leading to a more informative representation.
  • Word Cloud: Counting the occurrences of each word in the message. Words frequently appearing in spam (e.g., "FREE", "WIN") get higher weightage.

3] Machine Learning Model: Here we utilized two pre-trained machine learning models specifically designed for text classification. This model has been trained on a dataset of labeled SMS messages (spam and ham) and can recognize patterns that differentiate between the two categories.

  • Naive Bayes: A popular algorithm for spam filtering due to its efficiency and effectiveness in classifying text based on word probabilities.
  • Support Vector Machines (SVM): Powerful for handling high-dimensional data created from features like word frequency. It also achieves more accuracy.

4] Model Evaluation: Here we create comfusion matrix and use the classification report function to evaluate oour model using Accuracy, Recall and F1 scores.

5] Making Predictions: In this model we gave unknown input text and the model predicts if it is a spam message or a ham message(legitimate)

Thus this model can help protect from unwanted promotional messages, phishing attempts, or other malicious content.