
  • Application built Using ember.js, Bootstrap, lodash.js, moment.js, Chart.js & jQuery JS libraries
  • Temparature, Pressure, Rain & Snow Charts using openweathermap.org weather api.
    • Update OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY in app/scripts/initApp.js
  • Search city/ZIP using Google Maps API.
    • Update GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY in app/index.html
  • Using GMT time for charts (Need to use Google Time Zone API ).
  • Used Grunt tool for build and deployment.

Software Installation

Run the below commands to download required dependencies.

  • Install node.js
  • npm install -g bower
  • npm install -g grunt-cli
  • npm install -g karma-cli
  • npm install - for node_modules
  • bower install - for bower_components

Build & development

  • grunt to do clean, jshint, run tests and build.
  • grunt jshint to check JavaScript syntax for any warnings and errors.
  • grunt build to build the app distribution.
  • grunt clean to clean the app distribution.
  • grunt serve to run the app with liveReload of app code.
  • grunt serve:dist to run app against it's distribution.


  • grunt test to run the Jasmine tests.
    • Junit test reports: reports/test-results.xml
    • HTML test reports: reports/test-results.html
    • Code Coverage HTML reports: reports/coverage-html/index.html
    • Code Coverage JSON reports: reports/coverage-json