

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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A browser based editor that enable developer to write code with another developer at same time, Using socket connection. It can handle a room of 100 developer at a time with real time code sync and support a compiler option to run the code.

Note: only langauge allowed is Python now

Tech Used:

  • Node.js
  • React.js
  • Scoket.io
  • webrtc
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS

Working of App

  • To Run the code we are using joodle api in backend as compiler:
  • Get your cliend id and client secret from Joodle by signup for free and paste in backend code in app.js file.
1. Install Frontend Dependency npm install
2. Start the frontend with npm start
3. Front end will start at port:3000
4. Go to backend Directory and install Dependency npm install
5. Start Backend npm start
6. Backend will start at port 8000


Compile Code:

Get Output