
This repo is used for documenting all the files of the final project of cse543t at WashU

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is used for documenting all the files of the final project of cse543t at WashU (Please feel free to make any change)


Currently, this repo is public. Hopefully, you guys can add your email address associated with github account to the following line so that I can add you guys as collaborators and make this repo private.

Email Addresses:

Please make sure all the code is included inside of the code folder. All the function or module should be located properly.


We will use the same dataset as used in the original paper


Prior to running, adding all the following libraries via conda (feel free to add more):

  • pytorch (1.5.1) and torchvision (0.6.0)

    (GPU version) conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

    (CPU version) conda install pytorch torchvision

  • scipy (1.4.1)

  • matplotlib (3.2.2)

  • numpy (1.18.1)

  • skimage (0.17.2)

  • tqdm (4.46.1) (visualize the ongoing process)

    conda install scipy matplotlib numpy scikit-image tqdm


All the documentation is supposed to be hosted on Overleaf

Overleaf Link: https://www.overleaf.com/6326894856mfnjrztcmwft
