
Pavlov rcon server administration over ssh tunnel

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Index Servers PavlovServerSystemSettings PavlovServerSettings MapsSelector Rcon Commands ChooseItem.png IndexMapCycleView.png LeaderBoard.png

Running Instances:


This software can easily manage your pavlov servers. This also means deleting.
Please proceed only if you know what you are doing.
Otherwise ask for help first:


newly added:

  • GDPR stuff added so you can download and remove your data from the system.
  • Added request limiter
  • steam login added (*be aware that you need to change the service and nginx redirect for this to work in chrome and other browsers in the future (check the nginx section))
  • Added limited Shack Support
  • Show pavlov server logs in the gui
  • Added TTT Commands
  • fixed some stuff in the matchmaking but its still WIP
  • You need to create a appsettings.Production.json now. Copy past from appsettings.Development.json.
  • Arch and subfolder together is not supported. Just leave this option in the appsettings empty or a /
  • Autobalance is broken right now will check that in the next version
  • Added leaderboard per server
  • ApiKey support
  • Auto Balance (default disabled)
  • Save Stats (default disabled)
  • new Game ini settings
  • Map view on index page so visitors can see the map cycle
  • Premium Role: The costume clown is now only available for premium members or higher roles.(Global roles with access to Clown: Premium,OnPremise,ServerRent,Mod,Captain,Admin)
  • OnPremise Role which administers an ssh server itself and can therefore also administer its own servers etc. via the platform.
  • ServerRent Role which can administer a separate pavlov server in a limited way.
  • Changed The Captain and Mod rights so they can not handle onPremise and ServerRent servers.
  • Team roles only are active in the Team Manager and Match Handler or in the match itself.
  • 1 KeyFile per SSh server can be store in the Database(be aware breaking change to before!)
  • Index now shows all server online and there stats.
  • The ssh user now should be the steam user. (Root user can fail in code)
  • Root user is needed to create a pavlov server(will not be saved!). Need root to be able to make the .service file.
  • Users can now change there skin
  • Server handle Stop and Start
  • Chosen maps not only have effect on deleting also has effect on the server settings.
  • You can edit the server settings now
  • The system knows which state the server of a pavlov server has
  • You can now edit the Mod and White list of a pavlov server
  • Mod on a pavlov server now also means Mod in case of commands for this single server in the GUI
  • Users are now no longer able to inspect server where they are not a mod. (they can get the infos from a website which gets the HTML from /PublicViewLists/PlayersFromServers/*)
  • Logs 24h for errors and stuff
  • Better notification when something happens in the background that could interrupt your work


  • Player list with stats etc.
  • Ban list over time. You can now ban People for a specific time.
  • You can select maps that will not get deleted, when the cache will get cleaned.
  • Maps will be deleted every day on 3 o clock in the morning(so the cache will not overflow on your server)
  • Maps from steam will be crawled every day on 3 o clock in the morning(While this is happening the server may have a lot to do and will answer with some delay)
  • the selected maps from the server will be first in the map selector
  • Telnet direct connections are not supported anymore cause i have to clean the maps from the cache!
  • Swagger is only available in development mode: http://localhost:5001/swagger and without registration / Thats why its disabled on production


That applies to all offers:

  • The primary aspect of these offers is the support of the developer with a consideration (OnPromise or ServerRent) without guarantee.
  • The server is located in Frankfurt/Germany.
  • No virtualization.
  • The service can be reached at: https://pavlov.spitzen.solutions
  • The arrangement can be canceled every month from your side or my side and you pay in front. That means if you don't pay for a month your account on the service and the server will get removed from the service within 30 days.


  1. I can help installing or updating the software. If you want more information: https://github.com/sponsors/devinSpitz
  2. you can now rent a 30 Slot Pavlov server(No Shack) from me for 30$/€ a month:
    2.1 You can administrate the server with this software as a user in the ServerRent role.
    2.2 You will get support with normally answer within 2 working days. Timezone Europe/Zurich from 9:00 to 16:00 Mon.-Fri.
    2.3 You can appoint mods and configure maps yourself etc.
    Rent 2.4 There is no uptime guarantee and no other guarantee. This package mainly supports this software.
    2.5 If you are interested just contact: devin@spitzen.solutions
  3. you can now get an account with the on Promise Role for 30$/€ a month.
    3.1 You will need your own Debian/Ubuntu server that has a static IP.
    3.2 You will get support with normally answer within 2 working days. Time zone Europe/Zurich from 9:00 to 16:00 Mon-Fri.
    3.3 You only have to enter your ssh login data and install steamcmd to create new Pavlov servers with this software.
    3.4 You can then also appoint mods yourself etc. and everything that a rental can do.
    3.5 There is no uptime guarantee and no other guarantee. This package mainly supports this software.
    3.6 If you are interested just contact: devin@spitzen.solutions
    3.7 You can also edit the Game Ini settings: OnPremise


Auth logic with priority(with added multiple options):

  1. ssh key + username + passphrase
  2. ssh key + username
  3. ssh username pass

Default users:
User: admin
pw: A2345a$


  • If you build it by yourself be sure to add the database.db file and the other required folders(see release) before start the application.
  • The old user and roles system ist not compatible to the new one. So you have to restart with a new database, if you are from the version 0.0.1!
  • Telnet direct connections are not supported anymore cause i have to clean the maps from the cache!


  1. Known issues found by makupi/pavlov-bot: https://github.com/makupi/pavlov-bot#known-issues-with-rcon-that-bot-cant-fix
  2. If you are had KeyFiles before 0.0.3 you need to restart with the defaultDb or drop the tables sshserver and pavlovServer with Lite DB Studio https://github.com/mbdavid/LiteDB.Studio
  3. If you are coming from an older version then you have to copy the database to the new location. ./Database/Database.db

Install Linux:

  1. Download newest build in the releases https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver/releases
  2. unzip the zip archive: unzip PavlovRconBuildLinux.zip
  3. Go into the folder and to Build Linux step 5

Build Linux:


  1. dotnet sdk 5.0: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0
  2. git

Steps :

  1. git clone https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver.git
  2. cd PavlovRconWebserver/PavlovRconWebserver
  3. (without brackets) dotnet publish -c release -o "Full build path" --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained true --framework net5.0
  4. copy the default database to your "Full build path"/Database/Database.db. 4.5 copy the appsettings.Development.json to "Full build path"/appsettings.Production.json if its not already exist.
  5. create a service: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/pavlovRconWebserver.service
  6. Content (without brackets) and replace your variables:
WorkingDirectory="Full build path"
ExecStart="Full build path"/PavlovRconWebserver --urls=https://*:5001/
RestartSec=10 # Restart service after 10 seconds if dotnet service crashes
  1. sudo systemctl enable pavlovRconWebserver
  2. sudo systemctl start pavlovRconWebserver
  3. sudo apt install nginx
  4. sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  5. Replace content (without brackets) and replace your variables:
server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        server_name "Domain/subdomain";
    location / {
        proxy_pass         https://localhost:5001;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header   Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header   Connection keep-alive;
        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_read_timeout 300;
        proxy_connect_timeout 300;
        proxy_send_timeout 300;
  1. sudo apt-get install certbot python-certbot-nginx
  2. sudo certbot --nginx -d "Domain/subdomain"
  3. Go to your Domain/subdomain
  4. Login as Admin
  5. Change password
  6. Goto Hangfire -> Recurring Jobs -> Start: SteamService.CrawlSteamMaps
  7. Use the software as you like.


  1. Just wget the docker-compose.yml file
  2. In the same folder where you downloaded the file execute: docker-compose up -d
  3. For lets encrypt etc. i would use something like: https://github.com/nginx-proxy/docker-gen

Install Windows:

  1. Download newest build in the releases https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver/releases
  2. unzip the zip archive: PavlovRconBuildWindows.zip
  3. Go into the folder and to Build Windows step 6

Build Windows:


  1. Install dotnet sdk 5.0: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0
  2. git CLI: https://git-scm.com/download/win


  1. open the git cli wherever you want to download the files.
  2. git clone https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver.git
  3. goto to created directory and then to this folder: PavlovRconWebserver/PavlovRconWebserver
  4. open a Powershell and enter the command: dotnet publish -c release -o "Full build path" --runtime win-x64 --self-contained true --framework net5.0
  5. copy the default database to your "Full build path"\Database\Database.db. 5.5 copy the appsettings.Development.json to "Full build path"/appsettings.Production.json if its not already exist.
  6. run the PavlovRconWebserver.exe in the "Full build path"
  7. Please don't use it public like this. You need at least a SSL Certificate. Use something like that: https://certbot.eff.org/lets-encrypt/windows-other.html
  8. After you have your ssl done go to your Domain/subdomain
  9. Login as Admin
  10. Change password
  11. Goto Hangfire -> Recurring Jobs -> Start: SteamService.CrawlSteamMaps
  12. Use the software as you like.

Any problem or bug?:

Read and create issues: https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver/issues

Want to discuss, asking questions or having trouble installing the software?:

Read and write here: https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver/discussions


Read: https://github.com/devinSpitz/PavlovRconWebserver/projects


Feel free to support my work by donating:

Donate with PayPal


For business inquiries please use:



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Thanks to all this people who worked for this nuget packages. Without that it wouldn't be possible to do this.

Powered by Spitz IT Solutions

For commercial licences you can find more information here: https://github.com/sponsors/devinSpitz

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.