This app allows a user to search for doctors in the Portland, OR metropolitan area. They can either input a health concern to search or select from a list of specialties. A map appears showing pins for the locations of all doctors in the search result.
- Clone this repository.
- Get keys for the googlemaps and betterdoctor apis.
- create a file called '.env' in the cloned directory.
- Copy and paste the following into the .env file: "exports.apiKey = 'your_better_doctor_key_here'; exports.googleMapsKey = 'you_googlemaps_key_here';"
- Replace the filler text with your api keys.
- Make sure npm and bower are installed on your machine.
- run 'npm install', 'bower install', 'gulp build', and 'gulp serve' in your terminal.
If you have any issues with this application please don't hesitate to contact me at You are welcome to contribute to the code and please let me know if you do!
This was made with Javascript and the BetterDoctor and GoogleMaps apis, utilizing Bootstrap for some of the styling.
This project is licensed under the GPL license.
Copyright (c) 2017 Devin Arthur Ludwig