
A tool made in C# to organize files in a folder. It was made after I took 3mins to find a file in my Download folder.

Primary LanguageC#



To many times I've found my "Download" folder unorganized. So, to get a clear view on what's happening in there, I decided to create a little utility to sort all of my files automatically.

How to use

JSON file

You can find types.json in the FileManagement Folder. The content of this file defines the overall structure the files will be sorted in.

Each key is the name of a folder and the array represents the file extensions that will go in there.

For example :

    "image" : ["png"]

This will put all the images with the extention png in the folder "image".


Here is the GUI of the tool :

An image of the GUI in  action

It is pretty straight forward : you select a folder you want to sort and click "Sort".