
A collections of some scripts and snippets which I found useful.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of scripts and snippets which I found useful in my work.


Prints the current bandwidth in Mbit/s or Gbits/s.


A python script which reads a CSV (mostly from web scrapers) and then outputs a KML file. When possible, I try to import the CSV directly into my Geo-spatial tools (e.g. QGIS)


A python script to print file output, but in tree form. Replaced this with a bash script and placed in my local bin. Useful for python scripts which are scanning files and directories and require an output.


This directory contains a handful of TCP servers and a TCP client to test against them.


This directory contains UDP servers and a UDP client.


This is just a hello world / start of a web scraping script. All my other web scraping scripts are at home ;)