
Case Study - Next.js & Headless CMS Case for Young Coders Club (Havas CX)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Case Study - Next.js & Headless CMS Case Young Coders Club (Havas CX)

About Case Study: Applying different rendering patterns using Next.js and any Headless CMS

What do I want?

I want you to create a post model in any headless CMS platform (such as Contentful, Hygraph, Strapi, or PayloadCMS), then use that model to create a sample post content. After that, I’d like you to use Next.js to access your newly created content from your preferred CMS platform and create three simple pages to render your fetched content while applying the rendering patterns we have discussed.


  • Creating a model using a schema. The model should include the fields below:
  • Title -> Single-line text
  • Author -> Single-line text
  • Excerpt/Post/Body/Content (you can use whichever name you prefer) -> Multi- line text
  • Featured Image -> Asset
  • *Created At (this field is usually automatically created by the CMS when you publish content, for example, Hygraph does this)
  • You must use Next.js.
  • You must create three pages to demonstrate and apply the CSR, SSG, and SSR rendering patterns.
  • Each post page should include a banner. The banner component should consist of a button to navigate back to the homepage and a title stating which rendering pattern was used.
  • Regarding styling of the project, there are no hard rules on how the design should be or which technology should be used. For styling, you can use CSS Modules, SCSS, TailwindCSS, Styled-components, Emotion, Stitches, Vanilla-extract, or anything else you feel comfortable using and want to use.

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.