
Case Study - Data Fetching (with React & Typescript) for Young Coders Club (Havas CX)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Case Study with TypeScript

This is the TypeScript Case, a project given by the Young Coders Club (Havas CX).

This repository contains an example project to demonstrate the use of TypeScript for a case study.

The project consists of an input field and a button. When the button is clicked, it sends a request to 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts' and filters the response body to be displayed as a card on the page.

The TypeScript type checking is used for all components. Axios is used to make the request. The filtering process is done by checking if the text entered in the input field is found in the response body.

About TypeScript Case

  • An input field and a button
  • When the button is clicked, the app requests data from https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts and filters the response body to display it in card format on the page
  • All components are typed
  • Axios is used for making requests
  • Filtering is done by searching for the text entered in the input field in the body and displaying it on the page if found
  • Create-react-app or Vite can be used for the React app (Next.js is optional)
  • ESLint and Prettier are optional