
Contents for the OGHPC2022 Devito training workshop.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Energy HPC 2022 - From Zero to Devtio

Workshop Thursday, 3rd March 2022 (09:00 – 12:00 CST):

Devito is a domain specific language (DSL) and compiler for finite difference schemes. This workshop will provide attendees with an introduction to the core elements of the Devito DSL. A breakdown of the agenda is as follows:

  • Introduction to the DSL - Expressing PDEs in Devito
  • Introduction to Devito operators
  • Building wave-propagators
  • Full waveform inversion with Devito

For attendees who would like a more hands on experience with Devito, during the workshop and for a period afterwards we will provide access to Microsoft Azure VMs with Devito and JupyterHub. Alternatively, participants may wish to install Devito on their local machine using the install instructions provided.

Workshop prerequisites:

  • Basic Python programming knowledge
  • Basic knowledge of finite differences
  • A Github account for authentication (if you wish to access the JupyterHub)

To access the workshop material:

  • If using the Azure VM's provided:
  • If using your own device:
    • After installing devito, in a separate directory run git clone https://github.com/devitocodes/Energy-HPC-2022.git
    • Navigate to the workshop_notebooks in the cloned repository, then with the Devito environment enabled run jupyter notebook followed by the name of the tutorial you wish to open.