OPS is an API with associated libraries and preprocessors to generate parallel executables for applications on mulit-block structured meshes.

Primary LanguageC++

OPS is an API with associated libraries and pre-processors to generate
parallel executables for applications on mulit-block structured grids.

This repository contains the implementation of the run-time library
and the pre-processor, and is structured as follows:

`- ops: Implementation of the user and run-time OPS C/C++ APIs
`- apps: Application examples in C and Fortran
|  These are examples of user application code and also include
|  the target code an OPS pre-processor should produce to correctly
|  use the OPS run-time library.
`- translator: Python OPS pre-processor for C/C++ API
`- doc: Documentation


1. Set up environmental variables:

  OPS_COMPILER - compiler to be used (Currently supports Intel, PGI and 
  Cray compilers, but others can be easily incorporated by extending the 
  Makefiles used in step 2 and 3)

  OPS_INSTALL_PATH - Installation directory of OPS/ops
  CUDA_INSTALL_PATH - Installation directory of CUDA, 
  usually /usr/local/cuda (to build CUDA libs and applications)

  OPENCL_INSTALL_PATH - Installation directory of OpenCL, 
  usually /usr/local/cuda for NVIDIA OpenCL implementation 
  (to build OpenCL libs and applications)

  MPI_INSTALL_PATH - Installation directory of MPI (to build MPI 
  based distributed memory libs and applications)

  HDF5_INSTALL_PATH - Installation directory of HDF5 
  (to support HDF5 based File I/O)

  See example scripts (e.g. source_intel, source_pgi_15.10, source_cray) 
  under OPS/ops/ that sets up the environment for building with various 
  compilers (Intel, PGI, Cray).

2. Build OPS back-end libraries.

  For C/C++ back-end use Makefile under OPS/ops/c (modify Makefile if required). 
  The libraries will be built in OPS/ops/c/lib

  For Fortran back-end use Makefile under OPS/ops/fortran 
  (modify Makefile if required). The libraries will be built in OPS/ops/fortran/lib
  cd $OPS_INSTALL_PATH/fortran

3. Build OPS example applications

  For example to build CloverLeaf_3D under OPS/apps/c/CloverLeaf_3D
  cd ../apps/c/Cloverleaf_3D/

How to cite
Istvan Z Reguly, G.R Mudalige, Mike B Giles. Loop Tiling in Large-Scale 
Stencil Codes at Run-time with OPS. (2017) IEEE Transactions on Parallel 
and Distributed Systems. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2017.2778161)