
Batch uploads pictures to Picasa

Primary LanguagePython


Batch uploads pictures to Picasa

How to use:

Change the conf file with the api key and api secret.

api_key=<api key>
api_secret=<api secret>

Set the root photo folder in your filesystem e.g.


Run the command:

$ python picasa.batch.py --config picasa.batch.conf

It will open the browser for authentication in the first place. Authorize your app to have access to your personal account.

  --config CONFIG       Configuration file
  --apikey API_KEY      api key
  --apisecret API_SECRET
                        api secret
  --token TOKEN         Token returned
  --root ROOTPATH       Root Path
  --folder FOLDER [FOLDER ...]
                        Upload folder(s)
  -a                    Normalize album name
  -u                    Upload album
  -c                    Enforce create album
  -r                    Resize picture bigger than 4900px before upload (don't
                        modify the original file)
  --perms {public,private,link}
                        Album perms