
WordPress slider plugin with pest PHP example.

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Slideshow Plugin

There are many really good sliders and carousels around. The majority of them were born many years ago. Because of the limitations of the time, they use a lot of javascript, event listeners, and a swarm of other things to handle sliding behavior.

WordPress Slideshow Plugin is a new beginning - using what browsers supports now. All of the sliding, dragging, snapping, and so on are now native browser behavior rather than javascript. WordPress Slideshow Plugin can even be used in a non-JS mode!

This provides superior performance, user experience, touch experience, and simplicity.

At the same time, it has support for any input device in the world - touch, mouse, keyboards, touch pads, track pads, pencils, assitive devices, controllers etc.

W3 validation, 100% WCAG compatible, Super high Google Lighthouse scores,

Run Locally

Manual Installation

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Unzip wordpress-slideshow folder to the /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-slideshow directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. It's finished !


  1. How to create slideshow
  2. How to reorder and delete sliders