
Here are some Introductory DP problems that help you understand the concept very well.

Primary LanguageC++

Dynamic Programming

Here are some introductory DP videos and problems that help you understand the concept very well.

  • Videos:

Introduction, iterative vs. resucrsive dp

What's dynamic programming

DP Introduction1

5 Dp problems with solutions

DP Subset Style

DP Building Output

  • Problems:

Fibonacci Number

Subset Sum Problem

Atcoder Frog1

Atcoder Frog2

Atcoder Vacations

Easy Longest Increasing Subsequence

Atcoder Knapsack1

Princess Farida


Codeforces Vacations


Dividing Coins

Pokémon Army (easy version)


String to Palindrome

Philosophers Stone

Atcoder Knapsack2

Dima and Salad

Coin Change


Masmokh and ACM

Atcoder Grid1

ABC-I Hate Non-integer Number

Hard Problem

Atcoder LCS

Atcoder Longest Path