Country Happiness API Back End

This project was the backend for assignment 1 in CAB230 which required us to build endpoints to satisfy a predefined Swagger document. It is an API that serves country happiness data.

Can be viewed at

Technologies used

  • Express
  • Node
  • MySQL
  • JWT
  • Knex

Get Started

You need MySQL version 8.0.24, Node and npm to run this project.

From your command line, first clone this repo:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd 

Then you can install the dependencies using NPM or Yarn:

Using NPM:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

Replace the SECRET_KEY in the .env file with a secret key.

The data is available from the SQL dump file at and that will be necessary to create both the rankings, and users tables. These are the following fields on the database:


To start the application

# Start express server
$ npm start