
Print NGSPICE result as JSON

ngspice-json-cli can

  1. Simulate Ngspice circuit.(via ngspice program)
  2. Get ngspice printed result as Json type

:) You can also run ngspice-json-cli as server-mode

How to install

  1. Install ngspice

Click the right link to download Ngspice. download ngspice

Currently, the version 27 and 34 have been confirmed to be support.

  1. Install ngspice-json-cli from git
> git clone
> cd ngspice-json-cli
> pip install -r ngspicejson/requirements.txt
  1. Test run
> python -m ngspicejson.ngspice_json_cli run --command="show all" --file="default_test_circuit.cir" --debug="True"

That command will be returned json array.

Basic Usage


Command Notes
run The simulation result is print in the data type mentioned below.(You can use --option value.)
version Print version information.
server Run ngspice-json-cli as server mode.

+a Version ouput.

{"ngspice": "34", "ngspice-json-cli": "0.0.1"}


Command Notes required
--command STR You can designate the command to be executed after loading the circuit in Ngspice. Y
--file PATH Please specify the path of the circuit code to be simulated in Ngspice. Y
--tag STR If you want to print the tag with the result, enter the tag value.(Ignore False value of the debug option.) N
--debug BOOL If you want to print the debug messages, set value to true. N
--real BOOL If you want to print the original Ngspice output, set value to true. N

Data Types


Displays errors returned by the Ngspice program.(This data type is always assigned as the first value in the list

      "Error: no such vector 2"


Parse Initialnal Trainsient Solution Value.

open/close button


Parse Node Model's Value.(In general, this value printed when the 'show all ' command is executed.)

open/close button
            "description":"Fixed capacitor",
            "description":"Simple linear resistor",
            "description":"Independent voltage source",


Parse Ngspice Verison.

   "real": ""


Parse Tabular Contents(In general, this value printed when the 'print' command is executed.)

If there are multiple print statements in the circuit, result data will be separated printed like "print_#1".

open/close button


Parse the case, when the user prints only the data at a specific point. (such as v[t])

               "key":"time[k] ",
                  " 1.000000e-04"


Display Debug Messages.(This data type is always assigned as the last value in the list(if debug=True or tag value is assigned)


Defined exception


      "description":"You should install NGSPICE. If your NGSPICE is alrealdy installed, check the alias settings."


      "description":"A fatal error that can not be processed by the program has occurred."

Known Issues

  1. User can't change Ngspice options.
  2. Not available in version 3.6 or lower.
  3. Not have all of the error logging and exception handling.
  4. Can't cover all kinds of output.(feel free to report new data types)



** ngspice-34 : Circuit level simulation program
** The U. C. Berkeley CAD Group
** Copyright 1985-1994, Regents of the University of California.
** Copyright 2001-2020, The ngspice team.
** Please get your ngspice manual from
** Please file your bug-reports at
