NextJS, Typescript, Chakra UI Boilerplate

A simple repository that bootstraps application. npm packages will be updated from time to time.


  • git clone this repo
  • npm install
  • npm run dev
*if ever you encounter errors during npm install, you can try to run `npm i --legacy-peer-deps`

Directory Structure

The boilerplate has basic default folders. The top level directory structure will be as follows:

  • .vscode - A default vscode configuration to help organize imports
  • components - This is where we put global shared/reusable components, such as layout (wrappers, navigation), form components, buttons
  • pages - NextJS page files
  • public - folder for self hosted assets
  • store - Global state management tool

Path aliasing

Added path aliasing (@folder-name) is used to easily determine which files were imported locally and from library, this is very helpful for better organization of imports. Library imports should come first then local.

We use this tools