
42Seoul에서 진행하고 있는 본과정 프로젝트.


42Seoul에서 진행하고 있는 본과정 프로젝트.

jisokang's 42 stats jisokang's 42 stats


Circle Project Description Status
0 Libft My very first own C library jisokang's 42 Libft Score
1 get-next-line Reading a line on a fd is way too tedious jisokang's 42 get_next_line Score
ft_printf Because putnbr and putstr aren’t enough jisokang's 42 ft_printf Score
netwhat Understand how network works jisokang's 42 netwhat Score
2 ft_server System Administration with Docker jisokang's 42 ft_server Score
minitalk Data exchange program using UNIX signals. jisokang's 42 minitalk Score
push_swap Sort data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions. jisokang's 42 push_swap Score
so_long Small 2D game with textures, sprites and basic gameplay elements. jisokang's 42 so_long Score
3 Philosophers Implement Dining Philosophers problem jisokang's 42 Philosophers Score
minishell Create a simple shell. jisokang's 42 minishell Score
4 cub3d Create a wolf3d. jisokang's 42 cub3d Score


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