
Analytics tracking package for Laravel

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Analytics tracking package for Laravel

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Add to your composer.json following lines

"require": {
	"ipunkt/laravel-analytics": "~1.1"

With Laravel 5

Add 'Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider', to providers in app/config/app.php.

Optional: Add 'Analytics' => 'Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\AnalyticsFacade', to aliases in app/config/app.php.

Run php artisan vendor:publish

Then edit analytics.php in config to your needs. We do config merge in the service provider, so your local settings will stay the same.

With Laravel 4

Run php artisan config:publish ipunkt/laravel-analytics

Then edit analytics.php in app/config/packages/ipunkt/laravel-analytics to your needs.

Add 'Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\AnalyticsServiceProvider', to providers in app/config/app.php.

Optional: Add 'Analytics' => 'Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\AnalyticsFacade', to aliases in app/config/app.php.


Provider to use, possible Providers are: GoogleAnalytics, NoAnalytics

Google Analytics

Tracking ID
Tracking domain, unset or set to "auto" for automatic fallback
enabling the display features plugin, possible values: (true|false)
anonymize users ip, possible values: (true|false)
auto tracking current pageview, possible values: (true|false)
enabling the debug mode, possible values: (true|false)


In controller action (or anywhere else) use following statement to track an event or page view:

//	tracking the current page view
Analytics::trackPage();	// only necessary if `auto_track` is false or Analytics::disableAutoTracking() was called before

//	tracking an event
Analytics::trackEvent('category', 'action');

//	tracking a custom line
Analytics::trackCustom("ga('send', ......"); // this line will be added within the tracking script

In your view or layout template (e.g. a blade template) use the following statement:

{{ Analytics::render() }}

For Google Analytics you should place the statement right behind the body tag

<body>{{ Analytics::render() }}

How to use

The GoogleAnalytics Provider automatically controls the local environment behaviour for testing purposes. See https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/advanced#localhost for details.

There is a builtin provider called NoAnalytics. This is for testing environments and tracks nothing. So you do not have to rewrite your code, simple select this provider in analytics configuration for your special environment configurations.

Track a measurement without having javascript

  1. Log in to Google Analytics and create custom definition. There you create a custom metrics. For example: Email opens, Integer type, min: 0 and max: 1 This will be available as metric1.

  2. Within your mail template (or page template) you have to create a tracking image

    <img src="{{ Analytics::trackMeasurementUrl('metric1', '1', new Event, new Campaign, md5($user)) }}" width="1" height="1" style="background-color: transparent; border: 0 none;" />

  3. That's it

API Documentation

For the correct usage methods look at the Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\Contracts\AnalyticsProviderInterface.php


Context: Blade Templates, View

For rendering the correct javascript code. It is necessary to have it in all layout files to track your actions and page calls.

 * returns the javascript code for embedding the analytics stuff
 * @return string
public function render();


Context: Controller, Action code

For tracking a page view.

 * track an page view
 * @param null|string $page
 * @param null|string $title
 * @param null|string $hittype
 * @return void
public function trackPage($page, $title, $hittype);


Context: Controller, Action code

For tracking an event

 * track an event
 * @param string $category
 * @param string $action
 * @param null|string $label
 * @param null|int $value
 * @return void
public function trackEvent($category, $action, $label, $value);


Context: Controller, Action code

For tracking a custom script line within the embedded analytics code.

 * track any custom code
 * @param string $customCode
 * @return void
public function trackCustom($customCode);


Context: Controller, Action code

Enabling the auto tracking, overriding the configuration setting auto_track.

 * enable display features
 * @return GoogleAnalytics
public function enableAutoTracking();


Context: Controller, Action code

Disabling the auto tracking, overriding the configuration setting auto_track.

 * disable display features
 * @return GoogleAnalytics
public function disableAutoTracking();


Context: Controller, Action code

Enabling the auto tracking, overriding the configuration setting auto_track.

 * enable auto tracking
 * @return GoogleAnalytics
public function enableAutoTracking();


Context: Controller, Action code

Disabling the auto tracking, overriding the configuration setting auto_track.

 * disable auto tracking
 * @return GoogleAnalytics
public function disableAutoTracking();


Context: Blade Template, View

Sometimes you have to track measurements, e.g. opening an email newsletter. There you have no javascript at all.

 * assembles an url for tracking measurement without javascript
 * e.g. for tracking email open events within a newsletter
 * @param string $metricName
 * @param mixed $metricValue
 * @param \Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\Data\Event $event
 * @param \Ipunkt\LaravelAnalytics\Data\Campaign $campaign
 * @param string|null $clientId
 * @param array $params
 * @return string
public function trackMeasurementUrl($metricName, $metricValue, Event $event, Campaign $campaign, $clientId = null, array $params = array());