

You should create the following function: public changeDate(date, op, value);


  • date: An date as String in the format “d/m/Y H:i”;
  • op: Can be only ‘+’ | ‘-‘;
  • value: the value that should be incremented/decremented. It will be expressed in minutes;


  • You shall not work with non-native classes / libraries;
  • You shall not make use of none of the following classes DateTime, DateInterval, DatePeriod nor use any of the functions described at http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.datetime.php
  • If the op is not valid an exception must be thrown;
  • If the value is smaller than zero, you should ignore its signal;
  • Ignore the fact that February have 28/29 days and always consider only 28 days;
  • Ignore the daylight save time rules.


  • changeDate("01/03/2010 23:00", '+', 4000) = "04/03/2010 17:40"