
:wrench: dotfiles for ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell


🔧 dotfiles for ubuntu


⚠️ Backup your current dotfiles, otherwise launching the installation script will override them!

git clone https://github.com/devmatteini/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles && ./bootstrap.sh

The bootstrap.sh script execute:

  1. bootstrap/file_system.sh to create common directories
  2. bootstrap/create_symbolic_links.sh to create symlinks to home, config and script files
  3. bootstrap/dependencies.sh to install basic dependencies


Currently using starship as bash prompt. You can customize it by editing config/starship.toml.

Alternatively you can use .bash_prompt instead of starship.

Terminal Emulator

Currently using WezTerm. You can customize it by editing config/wezterm/wezterm.lua.

Alternatively you can use gnome-terminal and load its configuration by running:

./bootstrap/gnome_terminal.sh gnome-terminal.dconf

To export a new configuration follow this article instructions.


If you didn't run the bootstrap.sh script, run:


To install application(s):


# List what packages you can install
./apps/tools --list

# Only install some packages
./apps/tools --filter bat,fzf

# Install all packages but exclude some
./apps/tools --exclude aws

📋 List of application script

  • browsers (firefox, firefox-dev, chromium)
  • docker (docker-ce, docker-compose)
  • dotnet (dotnet-sdk-3.1) // OUTDATED
  • editors (vscode, rider, vim, intellij-idea)
  • fnm (node-v{16,18}, npm, yarn)
  • fonts (firacode, firacode nerd font)
  • misc (postman, gimp, vlc)
  • rust (installation and post install setup)
  • tools (fzf, tldr, shellcheck, awscli, bat, ripgrep, ...)

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