
A simple RESTful API built with Python Flask and SQLAlchemy to easily interact with a SQLite3 database.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple RESTful API built with Python Flask and SQLAlchemy to easily interact with a SQLite3 database.


In order to generate your personal database, from inside the project folder run through the terminal this command:

$ python

After entering python shell run:

from app import db

from app.models import Country, Championship


After you run this commands you will see a new file created called database.sqlite (or whatever name you want --you can change it by modifing the app config in /app/__init__.py)

API Endpoints

GET /api/championships

List of all the champsionships.


        "name":"Serie A",
        "name":"Premier League",

GET /api/championship/<int:id>

Championship corresponding to the id provided


	"coefficent": 85640,
	"id_championship": 4,
	"id_country": 4,
	"name": "La Liga",
	"number_of_teams": 20,
	"ranking": 1