
Abstraction layer for fetching Dutch postcode data.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Postcodes package

Software License StyleCI

This package provides some basic functionality that can be implemented for specific postcode APIs. This package alone does not provide immediate access to postcode data.


  1. Install the base package:

    composer require devmobgroup/postcodes
  2. Choose a postcode provider or create your own. You can find all of our own provider implementations in this repository.

    • PostcodeAPI.nu (recommended) postcodeapi.nu

      composer require devmobgroup/postcodes-postcode-api-nu
    • API Postcode api-postcode.nl

      composer require devmobgroup/postcodes-api-postcode

    Read more about using and configuring these providers.


All providers implement the ProviderInterface which has a lookup method:

$provider->lookup(string $postcode, string $number);

This method returns an array of Address instances. This array should never be empty, because instead the NoSuchCombinationException exception indicates no results were found.

$address = $addresses[0];

$address->getPostcode(); // '3011 ED'
$address->getHouseNumber(); // '50'
$address->getStreet(); // 'Schiedamsedijk'
$address->getCity(); // 'Rotterdam' 
$address->getProvince(); // 'Zuid-Holland'
$address->getLatitude(); // '51.9147442'
$address->getLongitude(); // '4.4766394'

There's also a getRaw() method which usually contains an array of the raw data retrieved from the provider:

$address->getRaw(); // ['city' => 'Rotterdam', 'year' => 1990, ...]

Additionally, the lookup() method throws exceptions that should be caught.

use DevMob\Postcodes\Exceptions\NoSuchCombinationException;
use DevMob\Postcodes\Exceptions\PostcodesException;

try {
    $provider->lookup('3011ED', '50');
} catch (NoSuchCombinationException $e) {
    // Combination of postcode and house number not found
} catch (PostcodesException $e) {
    // Catch-all interface for other exceptions.
    // It's best to always catch these exceptions, because
    // providers may implement their own exceptions that
    // are not documented in the ProviderInterface.


Read more about creating your own provider.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.