Python Backend App for AWS CI/CD

This sample project is used for demonstrating Jenkins pipeline on AWS environment with AWS devops tools(CodeBuild, S3 Buckets, CodeDeploy)


The application specification file (AppSpec file) is a YAML-formatted or JSON-formatted file used by CodeDeploy to manage a deployment. It must be placed in the root of the directory structure of an application's source code. It is used by CodeDeploy to determine:

  • What it should install onto instances from Amazon S3 or GitHub repositories.
  • Which lifecycle event hooks to run in response to deployment lifecycle events.(basically start and stop scripts of the application)


A build spec is a collection of build commands and related settings, in YAML format, that CodeBuild uses to run a build. Buildspec YAML file is included as part of the source code. Self explanatory file performs necessary installations by directly accesing the console of EC2 instance and copy listed artifacts to created directories before the CodeDeploy deployment phase.