
Play with Laravel! preparing for some awesome packages

Primary LanguagePHP

About Laravel Playground

This repo is just a playground where I will prepare and test some ideas of Laravel packages.

  • Api Authentication the laravel way

Api Authentication

The awesomeness of Laravel Sanctum meet with the simplicity of Laravel UI so API developers can focus on building their applications.


  • Login by email and password
  • Support login attempts
  • API enabled guest middleware
  • Token generation via Sanctum
  • Simple device management via Token names
  • Logout from device, other devices, and all devices
  • Custom login (e.g. active users only)
  • Last user activity via Token
  • Login by mobile
  • Anonymous login support
  • Support FCM Push notifications


  • Verify email
  • Forget password
  • Verify mobile
  • Better device management
  • Support password-less login


I just install a fresh Laravel installation with authentication enabled, and install Sanctum to enable API token based authentication, then I tried to figure our how to support the same web auth routes as api routes.

Once I finish playing with the code and stabilize the features, I will publish it as a separated packages.


Currently, you can ready the tests, once the package is published, I will document all the features and customization options both from Laravel side and package side.

POST: /api/register {name,[email|mobile],password,device_name}
POST: /api/login {[email|mobile],password,device_name}
GET: /api/user
POST: /api/logout {from_other:true|false | from_all:true|false}


You can customize the allowed list of username fields using username_fields in lock.php config file.

'username_fields' => [

You can customize the validation rules to be used in the registration process by change the username_registration_validation in lock.php config file.

'username_registration_validation' => [
    'email' => ['required', 'string', 'email', 'max:255', 'unique:users'],
    'mobile' => ['required', 'string', 'min:10', 'unique:users'],

To enable Anonymous login feature, you must change anonymous_login in lock.php config file.

'anonymous_login' => true,

Then you can directly send a login request without any credentials, but you must send a special payload;

POST: /api/login {device_name,type=anonymous}

FCM Notification is also supported using laravel-notification-channels/fcm, all what you need to do is to specify the FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS in your .env as show in .env.example


AccountActivated notification is available as a sample for you, and you can specify fccm_token both in Registration and Login requests

POST: /api/register {name,[email|mobile],password,device_name,fcm_token}
POST: /api/login {[email|mobile],password,device_name,fcm_token}

Have any ideas?

You can open new issue here on github, or you can contact me at devmsh.